This map shows all preserves managed by Boothbay Region Land Trust.
Ovens Mouth Preserve comprises two distinct peninsulas connected by a pedestrian bridge. This preserve features BRLT’s most extensive trail system with over 5 miles of hiking trails. Both the East and West sections of Ovens Mouth are heavily wooded and feature partial water frontage and shoreline trails, quiet coves, and salt marsh, as well as stunning areas for picnicking, nature studies, and watching the dramatic tidal change of the Ovens Mouth passage. Both peninsulas are home to various wildlife, including eagles, osprey, otters, and deer. The East and West sections of Ovens Mouth Preserve are connected by a 93-foot pedestrian bridge which provides excellent views of the waterways as well as the opportunity for more extensive hiking across the trail system.
Ovens Mouth East is a wooded, hilly property on 60 acres. Its easy trails include a 1.1-mile loop trail through woods with plenty of scenic water views along the Back River, as well as a shorter .5-mile wooded trail ending in a scenic view of the Back River.
Ovens Mouth West, on 86 acres, provides more challenging hiking on 3.6 miles of trail. The longest stretch of trail on the west side is a 1.75-mile loop trail through woods and along the shore. There are a number of intersecting shorter trails as well that provide a variety of hiking options on this extensive preserve.