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North Haven is a quintessential Maine island with a mix of friendly island residents and well-heeled summer folk. It has rugged lobster boats, well-kept yachts of all shapes and sizes, charming village streets, and all manner of summer "cottages." Everyone has a friendly wave for visitors, and the village of North Haven has a pleasant mix of modest, accessible services and art galleries. The island also features a well-stocked and user-friendly grocery store on the Pulpit Harbor side of the island.
Note: J.O. Brown’s Boatyard was catastrophically damaged during two storms in January, but they are now fully operational.
Photo: William Trevathy, Flickr
North Haven Village is accessed from the Fox Islands Thorofare near the local ferry landing. Sailing or motoring through the FIT is a “must-do” when cruising Maine. It features classic natural island scenery and an eclectic mix of island homes and summer cottages, some of which are quite spectacular. A rock (Post Office Ledge) near the ferry dock is well-marked with red buoy R 16. Otherwise, the North Haven waterfront is WISYWIG (What You See Is What You Get)
Anchor in nearby Perry Creek and dinghy to town. If Perry Creek is too busy and you’re seeking solitude, consider either Seal Cove or Kent Cove. Anchoring in the thorofare is possible, but during the summer, there is a constant barrage of wakes from boats and yachts passing by. Southern Harbor is a good anchorage when the wind is gusting from the north or northwest. It is around the corner to the south and west (on the map Southern Harbor extends up behind North Haven Village. Thayer’s Y-Knot Boatyard (207-867-4701) is located here, offers rental moorings, and generally serves the needs of summer residents. Brown’s Boatyard (also known as J.O. Brown’s), located in North Haven Village, has been serving locals and visitors for nearly 150 years with innovative and resourceful solutions. They also rent moorings on a first-come/first-served basis. Pay in the boatyard store when you land at the dock. Do not call to reserve a mooring. You can buy lobsters here. Diesel and gas are sold if you can get to the dock (often full of lobster boats). The credit card machine on the fuel dock was wiped out in the storms, so either pay cash or go up to the office in the red building. 207-867-4621. Brown’s listens to VHF channels 16 and 9.
Channels 9 & 16 for Brown's
Gas and Diesel often available at Brown's Boatyard Non-ethanol gasoline on the dock fuel pump. Ethanol gas at the pump on land for cars.
Brown's (if you can get to the dock and there's not a local drought)
Not Available
Waterman's, Calderwood Hall, and North Haven Library
Not available
Brown's chandlery (limited inventory)
Save it for a mainland site.
North Haven has a medical clinic staffed by nurses from Maine Health PenBay Medical Center in Rockport. The EMTs and ambulance form a mobile medical unit. Everyone we know who's needed it has reported excellent service. Phone 207-867-2021
Photo: Watermans
Tie up your dinghy at Brown’s Boatyard or the town dock (west of the ferry landing). Tie up on the side next to ferry pilings where all the dinghies are. The face dock is for lobster boats. The Casino dock is a private club for members only.
Photo: Jane Babbitt
The Market at Hopkins Wharf is owned by Amanda Hallowell, former chef at Nebo Lodge. The shop features her Amandina line of prepared foods, gourmet deli items, frozen meat, cookies and brownies, penny candy, ice cream and ready-made sandwiches. There are also boat necessities like toilet paper, ice, beer and wine. Open Tuesday-Saturday 10:00-4:00 and Mondays by chance. North Haven Market, located closer to Pulpit Harbor, is about 2 miles from the village. See details on the Pulpit listing. Phone 207-867-2233
Photo: Courtesy Nebo Lodge
Photo: Always something to do on the island! Photo by Joe, Flickr
Photo: Sebastian White, Flickr
The well-liked Barn Dinners (reservation only) are on Thursday and Friday nights until Sept. 23; these are expensive but worth it. Tickets are available online at Other Nearby Anchorages:
Photo of Calderwood Island by Will Ross