Long Cove at Orr’s Island

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Photo: Max Fletcher

Long Cove at the northern tip of Orr’s Island in Harpswell Sound is a marvelously secluded and quiet cove - used by locals as a hurricane hole. Once inside there are no amenities and few signs of civilization.

Approach & Cautions

Photo: Paul VanDerWerf

Proceeding up Harpswell Sound, stay well off the Dipper Cove shoals, which project well into the Sound. Leave Dog’s Head Island 200 feet to starboard, then favor the eastern, Orr’s Island, shore when entering Long Cove. After passing the shoals to starboard, turn to the center of the cove and anchor in about 10 feet on a mud bottom. You will have a serene night. Proceeding up Harpswell Sound, you can see the historic Cribstone Bridge connecting Orr’s and Bailey Islands. It is built of granite blocks with no mortar whatsoever, reputedly the only bridge of its kind in the world.

Cribstone Bridge at sunrise, with bright golden sun shining through the span of the bridge.

Docking, Anchorages, or Moorings

Just to the north of the bridge, the Orr’s-Bailey Yacht Club offers guest moorings (suggested donation – $25, with a limit of two nights) for yachts up to 40 feet. Alternatively, one can find a very easy and convenient anchorage across the Sound at Harpswell Harbor. Diesel can be obtained at the Cook’s docks and the Dolphin Marina in Pott’s Harbor at the south end of Harpswell Neck. Unfortunately, there are no convenient grocery stores accessible from the water.

Getting Ashore

Photo: Paul VanDerWerf

From either of these two anchorages, a dinghy with an outboard could take you to Cook’s Lobster & Ale House (very visible on the sandy point in front of the bridge – tie up to their docks but don’t interfere with the lobstermen). This restaurant is highly popular amongst the locals. Another local favorite is Salt Cod Cafe, in the red barn at the Orr’s Island end of the Cribstone Bridge. Salt Cod is open daily all summer 8:30-2:30, has dock access for dinghies or small boats, and serves spectacular breakfast sandwiches, baked goods, chowders, lobster rolls and the like.There’s also a restaurant at the Dolphin in Pott’s Harbor, and Erica’s Seafood is a local favorite there, as well.

There are some hiking trails in the area:

Lobster boats tied to a dock, buildings on the shore in the distance.


What CCA Members are saying:

A great secluded, quiet cove.

Max Fletcher

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