Trafton Island

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Photo: Peter Gage

Located on the north side of Trafton Island in Narraguagus Bay, this is one of the first good anchorages (if not the only) east of Schoodic and west of Cape Split. It is quite a peaceful anchorage (except between about five and seven AM when ocean-bound lobster boats from nearby Millbridge will roll you out of your berth) with close-up views of lovely Trafton Island and more distant views of the mainland to the west and north.  Wildlife in the form of eagles, ospreys, sea ducks, and seals make for entertaining viewing.  For those to whom it matters, it has three bars of cell service.

Approach & Cautions

Photo: Sandy Andrews

The anchorage is easily approached from all directions, with the rocks and reefs guarding the western side easy to spot at all but high tide.  The approach from the south through the small Douglas Islands is incredibly scenic.

s/v Here And Now, owned by author Sandy Andrews, anchored on a sunny day

Docking, Anchorages, or Moorings

There are no available moorings. Depths are pretty much as charted. Anchor as far into the harbor as your draft will allow. The farther in you go, the better you will be protected from the usual summer southwesterlies. These can blow through the outer anchorage but don’t seem to kick up much of a sea, given the ¾-mile fetch to the western shore and the intervening reefs. CAUTION: The anchorage is fully exposed to northerly breezes. Holding is in good heavy mud.

Getting Ashore

Photo: Peter Gage

Trafton is privately owned and walking ashore is, to the best of the author’s knowledge, not permitted.


What CCA Members are saying:

Only about a 27NM run from Northeast Harbor, Trafton makes an excellent first stop when heading Downeast.

Sandy Andrews s/v Here and Now out of Duck Cove, MDI

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