Long Cove, Vinalhaven

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Photo: Aerial by Doug Bruce with Frank Simon, pilot

Long Cove is the epitome of a scenic and extremely tranquil Maine anchorage located off Hurricane Sound on the west side of Vinalhaven. Quiet is one of many superlatives – perhaps being a cellular deadspot contributes to the solitude. 

Approach & Cautions

Photo: Jane Babbitt

Entry to the inner harbor is fairly straightforward (we’ve even short tacked out of the inner harbor on a dare) but you will find private moorings tend to dominate the space and at times there are numerous lobster pots to complicate things, to say nothing of an almost certain 180-degree swing with the tide. See the Google Earth photo at the bottom of this page for an overview of the area around Long Cove.

Entering Long Cove, calm blue water, trees on shore, blue sky.

Docking, Anchorages, or Moorings

Just outside of the inner harbor is a fairly open area that is much more suitable for anchoring.

Getting Ashore

Photo: Aerial of Long Cove by Dale Bruce with Frank Simon, pilot

Beyond the head of the cove is a picturesque basin accessible by dinghy at or near slack water. It is advisable to view the bar at the head of the cove at low tide so as to judge the entry point to the right as you enter. All the property is private, so there’s really no shore access, but it’s a lovely dinghy ride.

Google Earth screenshot of the area around Long Cove

Long Cove satellite view
Satellite view of Long Cove area.


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