Barred Islands

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Photo: Randy Woods

If the weather is settled, and there’s room, this is a very special anchorage. Pristine, private with a gentle sea breeze wafting through the anchorage, it’s a memorable destination. If there’s significant wind forecast from the southwest, northwest or north, or there are more than three or four boats already present, it would be advisable to come back another time.

Approach & Cautions

Photo: JR P / Flickr

From the north, leave Can 3 off Great Spruce Head Island to starboard and Escargot Island to port. There is usually a private mark on a ledge off the northeast end of Little Barred Island. About halfway between the beacon and Escargot should give you safe water.

From the south, one can head between Little Barred and Great Spruce Head Islands, take a turn to the east at the top of Little Barred, giving it a wide berth and then turn between Escargot and the ledges off Little Barred as described above.

CAUTION: Depths through the entry area can vary from 0 to 10 feet, and the area near the moorings is shallower — close to 5 to 6 feet at MLW. If you’ve not been into Barred before, we recommend using the dinghy and a portable depth sounder to locate a safe track and anchoring spot for your boat.

The aerial photo, (oriented north to south – bottom to top), shows the visible and underwater dangers marked in red and “bar” shoal at the very top. Photo of Barred Islands anchorage by Doug & Dale Bruce



Docking, Anchorages, or Moorings

As of October 2021 there were two moorings. One is marked “Schauffler” and is frequently used by the owners of Barred Island, so please do not pick it up. The other might be available for rental but its capacity and the terms of rental are unknown at this time. There is generally good holding, though somewhat limited swing room for anchoring between Barred and Little Barred.

Getting Ashore

Photo: Dale Bruce

Barred Island is private. Little Barred is accessible but protected by a conservation easement. Please, no fires and be sure to leave no trash or waste. You may walk on the bar for the brief period at low tide when it is exposed.

Kids wading in shallow water among seaweed-covered rocks.


What CCA Members are saying:

This is the perfect anchorage for small people who love to explore shorelines looking for crabs and such -- they can pretend it's their very own "Treasure Island."

Doug Bruce

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