Biddeford Pool

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Photo: Courtesy Ian Bruce

For years, Biddeford Pool has been a popular harbor on Maine’s southern coast, where the options are much more limited than north of Cape Elizabeth. There are guest moorings managed by the club, launch service, and plenty of good holding ground in sand for anchoring. The somewhat shallow channel and anchorage areas will limit boats drawing more than 7 feet at low tide.

Approach & Cautions

Photo: Wood Island lighthouse near Biddeford Pool by Byron Howes

From the south in anything but nasty weather, enter to the south of Wood Island following the buoys marking Danbury Reef and Washman’s rock. In bad weather or when coming from the north, find the Saco River bell northwest of Wood Island and then head straight up the harbor.

Depths in the outer channel are as shallow as 6 to 7 feet, while depth in the anchorage area is shown on the chart as 7 feet at MLW.

Sailboat off of Wood Island.

Docking, Anchorages, or Moorings

There are guest moorings managed by the Biddeford Pool Yacht Club with launch service, and plenty of good holding ground in sand for anchoring. Shallow areas were dredged in 2020-2021, opening more of the harbor to deeper draft boats. The Yacht Club monitors channels 9 and 68 on the VHF and accepts mooring reservations on Dockwa. The phone is 207-282-0485. Launch service is available into the evening.

Do not try to enter through the inner gut into the Pool, as there are no moorings available or spots to anchor, at any tide. It is difficult to turn around in the currents and crowded boats, except at slack high. The guest moorings and anchorage are all in the outer harbor.

Getting Ashore

Photo: Beach at Biddeford by Ian Bruce

Launch service is available if you use a yacht club mooring; otherwise, inquire about using their limited dinghy space. There are pleasant walks throughout the community and a lovely beach just south of the yacht club. Club employees can direct you to the store and help obtain service.


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